Search Results for: legislation
Do you understand your rights? Making the Letters of Rights more accessible
Published in the Clarity Journal 81 – 2020 Introduction Lili Krámer, Zsófia Moldova, and Vera Gergely The Letter of Rights is a text that informs suspects of their fundamental rights (such as the right to remain silent or the right to have a lawyer). If you are suspected of something the police will either read […]
Justice: Plain language in family law helps but it’s not enough
Published in The Clarity Journal 81 – 2020. Introduction This article discusses how plain language in Australian family law combined with a clear process makes justice more accessible. Both substantive and procedural law are discussed. Justice requires minimal delays, minimal costs and accessibility. Law is accessible when substantive and procedural laws are understood by lay […]
Clarity breakfast (2016) – Visualising tax law
Nick Birks works in the Central Customer Directorate at HM Revenue & Customs. He will show us the software used by government departments in Belgium and the Netherlands, and by HMRC, to reveal the structure of the law, and to identify duplication and inconsistency. The results appear as giant posters showing diagrams of the legislation, […]
Robert Eagleson
Robert Eagleson has been involved in ground- breaking plain English work in Australia. He contributed extensively to the first plain English legal document (a car insurance policy) in 1976. As commissioner in charge of the plain English reference to the Victorian Law Reform Commission, he demonstrated that even complex legislation could be written in plain […]
Center for Plain Language
A non-profit organization that helps government agencies and businesses use plain language. The Center provides training and advocates for legislation promoting plain language. It also celebrates the best examples of plain language and design with ClearMark Awards. The worst examples are honoured with WTF (Work That Failed!) Awards.
The Law Society of England And Wales
An independent professional organization for solicitors in the UK. The Society publishes the book Clarity for Lawyers, now in its 3rd edition (Mark Adler and Daphne Perry).
Victoria Law Foundation
A foundation seeking to improve the justice system in Victoria. It provides useful communications resources as well as plain language training for legal professionals.
Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales
A foundation seeking to improve access to justice in New South Wales. It provides resources and guidelines for writing and useful guides to Australian law. The Foundation also publishes a monthly newsletter on plain language.
Australian Office of Parliamentary Counsel
The government office responsible for drafting legislation. It has published a plain English manual and a guide on drafting clear and simple legislation.