Search Results for: design
Virtual International plain language conference (2021) – Access for all : Plain Language is a Civil Right – Part 2

DESIGN. LITERACY. PRACTICE. Access for All: Plain Language is a Civil Right, is a virtual conference dedicated to using plain language to break down barriers in society. Through our three themes – design, literacy, and practice – we will explore how to bring access to all through plain language. Co-hosted by Clarity, the Center for Plain Language […]
Clarity breakfast (2016) – Re-designing the Digital Services framework contract

Warren Smith is Assistant Director and Head of Strategy, Digital Marketplace, for the Government Digital Service and David Kershaw is Procurement Lead for Digital Marketplace at the UK Cabinet Office. Together, they explained how they re-invented the contracting process and contract terms for supplies of digital services to central and local government, making life easier […]
PLAIN International conference (2019) – Oslo, Norway

Plain language discussed through (1) Democracy and inclusion, (2) Digitalization and design and (3) Saving time and money. And more! Meet more than 100 speakers from 25 countries. See the website for more information about this wonderful conference.
Clarity breakfast (2017) – How typographic presentation influences the way people read legal information

Dr Jeanne-Louise Moys is a lecturer in Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Reading. She is a affiliated to the Centre for Information Design Research – a multidisciplinary research centre which explores the design of complex information. Jeanne-Louise will share how typographic presentation influences whether people are motivated to read complex and legal information, and […]