Search Results for: legal writing
The Clarity Journal 51
In this issue : Legal writing: some tools Drafting readable laws Advice from the Deep South D MacDonald Disclosure overload: lawyers are the problem, not the solution D Hyndman Plain language means better regulation R Grotsky Plain language: its effects on organizational performance Know your rights: a plain language series illuminates legal issues for seniors […]
Clarity welcomes new representative from Brazil

Anthony Charles de Novaes da Silva is an attorney who works at the intersection of Plain Legal Language and Legal Design, researching, teaching, writing, and speaking in Brazil and abroad, since 2018. Author of the first Legal Design book in Spanish (Legal Design: la clave para disrumpir la profesión, los negocios y el sector público, […]
The value of plain language jury instructions in facilitating access to justice
Published in The Clarity Journal 81 – 2020. The right to a trial by jury is one of the fundamental elements of the American system of justice. Jurors are asked to engage in a complicated and difficult task, listening to different versions of facts provided by the parties at a trial and applying their understanding […]
Clarity welcomes new representatives from Hungary and Poland

Vera Gergely (Hungary) has worked in different fields and environments, from NGOs through multinational companies to startups. She has experience in software testing, project management, organizing events, and technical writing, with a Masters in Economics. In 2014 she embarked on the ambitious task of introducing plain language in Hungary. Since then, she has worked as a […]
The Clarity Journal 82
In this issue : Plain language: It’s about access to justice Writing revolution: We need you! Notes from the road: Plain language editing of a court form Access to justice through clarity of legal language Improving access to criminal justice by rewriting the Belgian letter of rights Access to justice and the right to understand […]
Robert Eagleson
Robert Eagleson has been involved in ground- breaking plain English work in Australia. He contributed extensively to the first plain English legal document (a car insurance policy) in 1976. As commissioner in charge of the plain English reference to the Victorian Law Reform Commission, he demonstrated that even complex legislation could be written in plain […]
Plain Language Commission
A UK-based editing business • We give detailed editing suggestions on draft consumer contracts such as bank and credit-card terms and conditions, and hire-purchase agreements. This may lead to accreditation of the documents with the Clear English Standard logo. • We base our suggestions on more than 40 years’ work in the field. We aim […]
Simply Put (National Adult Literacy Agency)
A branch of the Irish National Adult Literacy Agency that provides plain English editing, writing and training. It awards a Plain English Mark to documents that meet its standards.
The Clarity Journal 78
In this issue : Sharing control of conflict: a proposal for transformation through plain language, 140 characters of pure business gold, Three steps towards creating a culture of writing excellence at your workplace, Snapshots from the conference, Access to written information: a social equity, social justice issue, Accessibility or bamboozlement? The case for clarity in […]